God Is My Ally

“When I am a stronger ally to myself, there is more room for God to be a stronger ally to me.”
Al Mitzvah

“…help us have mercy on ourselves; and renew our lives so that we may build on the work we have begun.”
Vidui Zuta, Vidui Rabbah

“May my past deeds, / The best and worst of me / Bring me back to the Wholeness…”
Unetaneh Tokef

“With kindness, hope and strength
Trusting in your process / May your insights become clear / Lifting you back to Divine Wisdom…”

“In the ripeness of the Ingathering,
take of the seven species. / Shoulder your basket, golden or willow-green.”
Everyday Teshuvah: Parshat Ki Teitzei

“Turn and stretch yourself towards your fellow creatures, /animal or human…”
The Brass Snake (Nehushtan)

“A fiery serpent / reproaching me
for slithering away / from atoning for my transgressions?”
This Morning’s Prayer

“Be with us in compassion, while allowing our passions to mature and grow…”

“Let breath be the bridge from despair to hope…”
El Meleh Rakhamin

A powerful poem, remembering those whose lives were lost on October 7th