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On Joseph and Solitary Confinement

When JosephJacob’s eldest son by his beloved wife, Rachel. Joseph, the dreamer, was his father’s favorite and nearly murdered by his brothers. Sold into slavery, he became viceroy of Egypt […]

How to Bless Yourself

If you are waiting for a spiritual leader to tell you, write what you need to hear and read it back to yourself and call it blessing. Call the act […]

Heschel King

On the yahrzeit/anniversary of passing of Abraham Joshua Heschel and birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. I The picture of Abraham Joshua Heschel rabbi, human being, interpreter of inner Judaism […]

Preparing for Psalm 27

an iceberg floats in the water

May polar bears swim safely /
to the ice flows, and may we love /
our way back to soft tickling cheeks, /
hot breath, moist lips

Bat Shekhinah

I created the Bat ShekhinahThe feminine name of God, expounded upon in the rabbinic era and then by the Kabbalists in extensive literature on the feminine attributes of the divine. […]

Loosening Our Hair: Queering Upshirin

may the strength that flowed through the untamed and flung off locks of our ancestors flow through your locks here today and whenever you feel the need to be loosened […]

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Join the Ritualwell community to read and discuss examples of hope expressed in writing through song, story, humor and metaphor that will stir you to think about where hope lives within you.

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