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Remember the Stranger

remember  the stranger   lest your heart  become  a shackle   and a stone  become the surface  of your skin   in solitude i am overcome  by the wonder of […]

Vidui for Coronavirus

a person sits alone looking at the sunset

The Viddui serves as a final prayer of atonement for a dying person, and a final at-one-ment; the traditional liturgy places the soul of the dying in God’s hands.  According […]

Prayer for Workers in a Time of Pandemic

Our God, and God of all Life, We call you Oseh, Maker1 Yotzer, Crafter2 Poel, Worker.3 You, Who labored to build this world in which we live Who calls us […]

Chant for Healing: Psalms 70 and 130

The recitation of Psalms has been a traditional Jewish response to illness and other personal and communal struggles for ages. Listen as Rabbi Vivie Mayer chants Psalms 70 and 130 […]

Hear Our Prayer

Facing our mortality, Confronted by the unknown, We see that we Are far from untouchable. The will of the One Is beyond our ken, But we are not helpless. We […]

On the Front Lines of the Pandemic

Source of mercy, Watch over the medical professionals – Doctors, nurses and all health care workers – On the front lines of the pandemic As they tend to the sick, […]

In Silence, Sanctuary

In a time when we are able to escape The bombardment of daily life, We are grateful to be granted Silent sanctuary Alone with our thoughts and hearts, Free from […]

Prayer of Joy

God, Thank You for joy and delight, For wonder and awe, For moments of gladness and celebration. Grant me the ability to breathe gentleness Into my hours and seasons, So […]

Meditation for Today

God, Help me through this day. Guide me toward kindness, gentleness and peace. Grant me strength and endurance, Courage and humor, So that I may do Your will with a […]

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Join the Ritualwell community to read and discuss examples of hope expressed in writing through song, story, humor and metaphor that will stir you to think about where hope lives within you.

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