Prayer for 5785: Hope is The Antidote to Despair
Hope is the antidote to despair. Hope is shedding tears of grief and pain and then getting on with the hard business of tikkun olamLit. Repair of the world According […]
October 7th
This poem is dedicated to Eden Yerushalmi & Carmel Gat.
Prayer for the New Year, 5785: We Sit On the Chair Together
“In this new year, let us bring our potential to bear.”
Unetaneh Tokef: An Adaptation for One Year Later
This version of the ‘Unetaneh Tokef’ prayer refers to the atrocities that took place on Oct. 7.
Season of Our Joy
“I squeeze the etrogA lemon-like fruit (citron) used at Sukkot as one of the four species. Women desiring to get pregnant were given the pitom (stem) to eat after Sukkot. and smell it,
and my heart swells. / The mitzvahLit. Commandment. It is traditionally held that there are 613 mitzvot (plural) in Judaism, both postive commandments (mandating actions) and negative commandments (prohibiting actions). Mitzvah has also become colloquially assumed to mean the idea of a “good deed." is to take the dare…”
Apple Peel Tachlikh
An alternative kind of Tachlikh, focusing on composting and transformation.
El Maleh Rachamim for Yamim Noraim 5785Â
“Hide them / beneath the cover of Your wings, forever, / And let their souls be bound up with ours…”
“In an age when / searching for home / in a soup / makes sense.”
Signs of Life
Wear the star Near and far For me, for you For every Jew Not with shame But with pride Never forget To be on the right side […]
“My path is not a straight line / but rather an ever evolving circle…”