Gevurah sh’b’Yesod – Discipline of Commitment
Trust the light within you
even during the darkest moments of your life
when it barely flickers
when there is no energy to spark a flame
when those closest to you desert you
when you need them the most
when trust is no longer
Be steadfast in your discipline
to living the best life you possibly can
during times of scarcity
during times of pain
during times of betrayal
during times of longing
honor your commitment to loving yourself
and not giving up on life
Be disciplined to do what is needed to
end the hurt in your life
end the feelings of insecurity
end destructive thoughts and patterns
end unhealthy situations and relationships
Be committed to loving you
to surviving
to no longer being a victim
but a person of discipline and love
a person of peace
and purpose
exemplify your discipline
by breathing each moment
and living each day
like it could be your last
hold on to your life
cherish your heart
and be committed to loving you
Image by D’vorah Horn from her set of Omer Practice Cards (2016).