Netzach sh’b’Tiferet – Endurance of Compassion
As we get tired, fatigued, we’re no longer quite so helpful
to the world – or to ourselves.
When bridges or planes or structures show fatigue,
from stress, from age, from over-use, blessing turns to danger.
Compassion fatigue is no less real.
Parents who fiercely love enduringly love their children
still get tired, still need a break now and then.
Clergy love their flock, therapists their charges – yet ditto.
Lovers love, yes, but they love better with some space.
Our Compassion is human: finite, fickle, fluctuating.
Like a rechargeable battery, it drains a little over time,
a lot during heavy use. Open some apps, and it tanks.
Give us time, and a plug – sun, yoga, friends, rest, song –
more time – and we’ll be compassionate once more.
Yet when commitment meets luck, will meets grace –
when daily “I–It” interactions yield to the holy “I–Thou” –
Mercy! It trickle-charges, rebounds, grows even as we expend it.
Relationship helps build the Endurance (Netzach)
of Compassion (Tiferet).
HaRakhaman, the One Compassionate and Womb-Like
Ir-Rakhman Ir-Rakhim, Most Gracious, Most Compassionate
Who never slumbers and never sleeps, never fatigues:
May we, made in Your image, develop Compassion that endures.
Enduring Compassion –
the true Triumph (Netzach)
of Beauty (Tiferet).
Image by D’vorah Horn from her set of Omer Practice Cards (2016).