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The Night That Never Ends

Gravestone with Star of David, topped with small stones, in a cemetery setting.

Dedicated to the memories of those lost and those who survived

The glass shattered
the long night began …
We found no sanctuary, 
no shelter where we ran.
Our homes became prisons,
our schools were all closed.
Our comfort became memory
our security was bulldozed …
Into that darkness
our hearts quickly sank.
The fires, the chambers, 
the smoke that was rank.
The weight that we lost,
just made room for more.
Crowded so closely together,
one bed now belonged to four.
Long ditches were dug,
those who succumbed piled high.
There were mounds of gold fillings,
that grew tall toward the sky.
Too many were sent there,
and few today still remain.
Those families are gone,
leaving memory’s stain.
Yet we are still bearers,
of life’s broken dreams.
We must never forget them, 
nor the evil, nor the schemes.
With each year that passes,
it seems somehow less true …
For how could someone do this,
to them, or me, or you?
We stand here now as one people,
having survived, having risen above,
and we must always remember to remember,
that in the end, hate never overcomes love.

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