I am good at making resolutions, G-d, but I am not very good at keeping them.
There are so many things I would like to achieve, so many changes I would like to make.
I pray to You, G-d, for strength and for wisdom.
I want to live a meaningful life and discern my true path.
I want to understand why You have put me here.
Grant me insight, G-d.
Show me the person I have the potential to become.
Let me find my life’s passion, G-d.
Teach me to resist temptation, to conquer self-destructive habits, to overcome selfishness and pettiness.
Guide me as I struggle to unbind the ropes that hold me back. Nurture me to fly free into your boundless Universe.
Help me grow in compassion for others, for myself, and to act with more mercy toward this aching fragile planet.
Give me the humility and the courage to repair relationships that pride has destroyed.
Show me how I can bring hope and healing into this world.
Gift me with good health, love, blessings and peace in this New Year.