Layer Upon layer of attempts to describe the Indescribable.
We cannot help but be separate,
We cannot help but be part of the One.
It is our holy dialectic
In the face of the unknown
And thus our need for
A Name that will describe
A Name that will explain
A Name that will make it easy.
But how do we name the Un-nameable?
We can but try.
Bless this endeavor,
It has made us so creative.
Bless the Eternal and the Glorious,
The Holy Whole,
And bless our imaginative attempts to imagine the Unimaginable.
And let us say, Amen.
It makes us happy to think about God
Capacious and invisible
Overarching and unseen
We have absolutely no idea what the truth is,
We have absolutely no idea what the truth is,
We are blessed with this burden:
Because we need to describe that which cannot be described,
Because we need structure in the face of the vast chaotic mysteries,
Because we go on and on and on and then we don’t.
Oh, Blessed One-ness.
We pray, these are requests for meaning despite doubt.
May these prayers be answered,
As unlikely as that may be.
You never know.
And let us say, Amen.
And may the Un-nameable be sanctified
And the Names we have invented to name the Un-nameable be sanctified
And may The Name we invented to name the names we invented for the Un-nameable be sanctified.
Layer Upon Layer of attempts to describe the Indescribable,
Those layers keep us safe from the awesome truth.
May our creations flourish and survive our limitations.
Bless The Name of the Names of the Un-nameable
Layer Upon Layer
May all our prayers
Be understood
And let us say, Amen
Blessed One-ness.
However we understand God on any given day,
Making peace and
Sustaining wholeness
For us, through us
If we but have the eyes to see.
Holy Wholeness,
For each other
And all the world,
And let us say, Amen.