Miriam’s Well
מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחַק וְיַעֲקֹב שָׂרָה רִבְקָה רָחֵל וְלֵאָה הוּא יְבָרֵךְ אֶת ___________ בַּת __________ שֶׁמָלְאוּ לָהּ שְׁתֵיִם עֶשְׂרֵה שָׁנָה וְהִגִּיעָה לְמִצְווֹת וְנוֹתְנָהּ שֶׁבַח וְהוֹדִיָה לְאָדוֹנֲי יִתְבָּרַךְ עַל כֹּל הַטּוּב הַטּוֹב שֶׁגָּמַל אוֹתָהּ. יְשַׁמְּרָהּ הַקָּדוֹשְׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא וְחַיָּה וִיכוֹנֵן אֶת לִבָּה לִהְיוֹת שָׁלֵם עִם ה’ וְלָלֶכֶת בִּדְרָכָיו וְלִשְׁמֹר מִצְווֹתָיו כֹּל הַיַּמִּים וְנֹאמַר אַמֵּן
Mi Shebeirakh avoteinu, Avraham Yitzchak v’Ya’akov, Sarah Rivkah Rachel v’Leah, hu y’varekh et __________ bat __________ shemalu la sh’taim esreh shanah v’higi’ah l’mitzvot, v’notnah shevakh v’hodiah l’Adonay yitbarakh al khol hatov shegamal otah. Y’shamrah hakadosh barukh hu v’khayah, v’yikhonen et libah lihi’ot shalem im Adonay, v’lalekhet bidrakhav v’lishmor mitzvotav khol hayamim, v’nomar amen.
May the One who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Issac and Jacob, and our foremothers Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah, bless ____________ daughter of ______________ who is twelve years old and has reached the age of the commandments. She gives praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God for all the good that God has done to her. May God keep her and sustain her, and direct her heart to be whole, and to walk in God’s ways and follow God’s commandments all of her days. And let us say Amen.
Published by JOFA,The Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance The Orthodox Jewish Woman and Ritual: Options and Opportunities Bat Mitzvah, www.jofa.org. Used by permission of JOFA.