On Motzei Simchas TorahThe holiday at the end of Sukkot during which Jews dance with the Torah late into the night. The yearly reading cycle of the Torah is completed and a new cycle is begun. Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah mark the end of the holiday season. In some congregations, the Torah scroll is unrolled in its entirety, and selected verses are read or sections noted. 5784,
Our 54th wedding anniversary,
We heard about the horrific Hamas massacre,
Unfathomable beastly disgraceful pogrom,
Totally breaking my heart into pieces.
My dream of truly uniting had previously,
Disintegrated over turbulent months,
Splintered volatile Israeli rallies,
Jewish global conflicting disunity,
Yet deep within my soul, I wished for unity.
Suddenly every reserve joined willingly,
Numerous secular and frumYiddish word meaning devout or pious; usually refers colloquially to one who is observant of traditional Jewish laws. IDF soldiers,
Danced with exuberant joyful cohesion,
No longer weak HolocaustThe genocide of millions of European Jews--as well as other ethnic, religious and minority groups--by the Nazis during World War II. The tragic events of the Holocaust are now commemorated each year on Yom HaShoah; established in 1952 by the Israeli government. Shoah (calamity) has become the term used to describe the systemic mass slaughter that occurred during World War II. Jewish victims,
But instead, today’s true heroic Maccabees.
Amazingly, many secular chayalim,
Miraculously yearned for protective tzitzis,
Begging us to davenLit. Pray (Yiddish) Particularly, praying in a traditional manner, mouthing the words of the prayer softly while swaying. and recite tehillim,
Spiritually utilizing our hearts and souls,
As they risked their lives in dangerous combat.
Heartwarming efforts on behalf of Jews,
From all walks of life, Secular, Orthodox, Chassidic,
Creative endeavors to assist through tzedakahCharity. In Hebrew, the word tzedakah derives from the word for justice. Tzedakah is not seen as emanating from the kindness of one’s heart but, rather, as a communal obligation.,
Providing ambulances, food, shelter, clothing,
Adoptive parents for sudden orphans and therapy.
May the neiss of truly uniting as one,
Not fleetingly evaporate into thin air,
After the current tumultuous crisis ends,
Loving each other, differences and all,
Bringing lasting Brotherhood, neshama to neshama.
Am Yisroel Chai!
Reflection: When life flows easily, we may tend to forget who is providing all our necessities as well as luxuries. It’s so easy to think mere hard work produces success. However,
when we are in desperate need of assistance, it often seems more obvious that turning to HashemLit. The Name, referring to the ineffable name of God; used as a substitute for any of the more sacred names of God when not speaking in prayer. Particularly used in conversation. is clearly vital.
Interactive-Introspection: Have you or a loved one ever experienced a miracle? During the unbearable agony of your dilemma, what methods assisted you during this crisis? At this moment in time when IsraelLit. ''the one who struggles with God.'' Israel means many things. It is first used with reference to Jacob, whose name is changed to Israel (Genesis 32:29), the one who struggles with God. Jacob's children, the Jewish people, become B'nai Israel, the children of Israel. The name also refers to the land of Israel and the State of Israel. and Jews worldwide are in crisis, isn’t it amazing and heartwarming to view the numerous ways different people create methods of reaching out individually and within organizations such as Amit to be helpful?
May the bright weekly Shabbos lights,
Dispel darkness of the Jewish global crisis,
With Hashem’s miraculous blessings,
And today’s IDF soldier Maccabees.