I cannot sleep
My mind swimming with
What compassion requires,
What the food of inspiration,
Where we are going.
What the dream of salvation.
These quiet hours remind me
Of SephardiJews of Spanish descent; sometimes used to describe Jews of North-African and Middle-Eastern descent. The term also describes the customs and practices of these Jews, often in comparison to those of Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jews. shuls
And villages
The knock on the door
“SelikhotServices held early in the morning throughout the month of Elul, leading up to Rosh Hashanah, during which Jews begin the process of asking forgiveness for our sins.,
And they rose
And they gathered
And they prayed at the high point of the moon
Inverse of the day’s sun
When we dread to show our flaws in the light.
Our naked sins
Held in the soft fabric of night.
A kindness
A mercy
A soft landing
As we face the morrow.
And after.