Mi Shebeirakh avoteinu Avraham, Yitzchak v’Yaakov v’imoteinu Sarah, Rivkah, Leah v’Rachel –
May You bless and heal ___________, who is to undergo surgery this week to remove a cancerous prostate gland. May the Holy Blessed One be filled with compassion for him and restore his health, to heal him, to strengthen him, and to revitalize him.
“YHVH, I heard your report and was afraid. YHVH, revive your work in the midst of these years, make known in the midst of these years, amid rage remember mercy.” [Habakuk 3:2] Give his doctors skill and care in the total and whole removal of the growth that threatens his well-being, and restore his health in wholeness and peace.
We praise you, Tzuri (God, my Creator), who has shaped humanity in wisdom, creating in us countless openings and passageways. “Come let us return to YHVH, for He has torn and He will heal us; He has smitten and He will bind us up.” [Hosea 6:1] “They who dwell in God’s shadow shall return; they shall revive like corn, and blossom like the vine: their fragrance shall be like the vine of Lebanon.” [Hosea 14:8] May it be God’s will to restore all function, comfort, and pleasure that has been bestowed upon humanity through the intricate network of openings and passages.
Grant a healing of body and a healing of soul, swiftly and soon, and let us say: Amen.