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Meditation before Yom Kippur for One who Cannot Fast

Three people sitting cross-legged on the floor, meditating in a serene room with minimal decor.

Ribbono shel Olam/Master of the Universe;
Creator of All, Source of All Life,
Who Knows What is Deep in Human Hearts,
Who Nurtures Every Living Being:

As You know, dear God,
Yom Kippur is fast approaching, and because of my condition,

I am not able to keep the traditional fast –
I cannot abstain totally from eating.

On this Day of Atonement, this Sabbath of Sabbaths,
this year and every year,

 it is so central to join the people of Israel
 in denying ourselves food and drink for one day
 so that we focus on correcting our misdeeds,

on knowing our mortality;
on reaching for a life of Torah, mitzvot, and lovingkindness;              
on You.

You know, dear God, that it is not my intent

to be apart from our people and our tradition.
My current state of health makes it unsuitable for me to fast

So, dear God, I turn to You now in sincerity and openness:

Help me in the coming year to do my best in guarding my health.
Help us, Your children, learn how to protect our bodies from harm.
Help us support others in caring for their tzelem Elokim, their Image of God.
Teach us to help one another grow and thrive in Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Guide caring family and health care professionals in their partnering with you

to bring healing if not cure, support and strength if not an end to symptoms.

And if there is an opportunity for me to help others who suffer

by doing something they need or by being attentive company –
Grant me the ability to do this mitzvah with love and devotion.

Rofeh khol basar/Healer of all living creatures:
I thank You for the breath that is in me

for the community of Israel that lives
for the possibilities of today and tomorrow.

May my eating be as a fast;
May it be dedicated to You, to T’shuvah –

to the Renewal and Restoration of my Relationship

to You, to Others, and to Myself.


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