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Mah Norah Ha’Makom Ha’Zeh: How Awe-filled is this Place

A building entrance numbered 151 with colorful trim and a tree branch overhead. Graffiti is visible on the wall.

This blessing was written to say goodbye to the Congregation Beit Simchat Torah (CBST) building before moving to its new home, and can be used to acknowledge leaving any holy space for a new one. 


I stand here at my final [meeting, class, etc.] in this place, acknowledging I will not come back here as it is now. I take time to prepare a holy space in my heart to say goodbye and journey forward. I ask for comfort in this goodbye, remembering the joy and the pain that this space has held. I pray that all these memories be for a blessing.

Holding these memories, we turn our hearts to the journey. As we leave this building, may we always go toward peace, life, and gladness. May our handiwork be blessed as we create new memories, relationships, and experiences in our new home.

V’asu li mikdash v’shahanti b’toham—Make for Me a holy place so that My presence may dwell among you. May our holiness increase so that all who enter our doors are blessed.


Photo of CBST original entrance courtesy of CBST. Photos of the new CBST building courtesy of Esteban Kuriel.


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