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In the name of YHVH the universal force
With auspicious signs and a flow of wellbeing
With the intention to serve the unification of the Holy Blessed One and the Divine Presence
With awe and love,
and in the name of all Israel.
May the beauty of YHVH light our path so that all we do is inspired, and may all we do be for YHVH.
On the first day of the week, the twenty third day of Tamuz in the year five thousand seven hundred and seventy eight of the creation of the world as calculated by our community in Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States of America
We witnessed the groom _______ the child of _______ and _______ say to his companion _______ the child of _______ and _______: ”Your love is wondrous to me and I wish to marry you according to the practices of Moshe and the people of Israel, for you to be my companion and my partner. And I will serve and respect and sustain and support you in the manner of Jewish men of our times who serve and respect and sustain and support each other with integrity. And I will provide you with food and clothing and all that you need, and we will be intimate with each other.”
And we witnessed the groom _______ the child of _______ and _______ say to his companion _______ the child of _______ and _______: ”Your love is wondrous to me and I wish to marry you according to the practices of Moshe and the people of Israel, for you to be my companion and my partner. And I will serve and respect and sustain and support you in the manner of Jewish men of our times who serve and respect and sustain and support each other with integrity. And I will provide you with food and clothing and all that you need, and we will be intimate with each other.”
And they both took upon themselves to enter this partnership to establish their home together on a foundation of love, harmony, peace and friendship. And they committed to make the utmost effort to be ever attentive to each other, to rejoice together in times of happiness, to respond with patience in times of difficulty and pain, and to treat each other with forgiveness and compassion.
And the grooms _______ and _______ accepted the conditions stipulated in this Ketubah, agreeing that they will share ownership of all possessions, gold, silver and jewelry, articles of clothing, house utensils and bedding, real estate or other property that either brings into the marriage.
And if they ever want to separate they will do so with a get according to the practices of Moshe and the people of Israel, before a Bet-Din that they both accept.
And the grooms _______ and _______ accepted responsibility for everything stipulated in this marriage contract in accordance with the authority of all marriage contracts enacted by our sages of blessed memory. It should not be regarded as mere rhetoric or a stereotyped form.
We have performed the act which in Jewish practice makes this document binding on the part of the groom _______ to the groom _______ and on the part of the groom _______ to the groom _______ with an instrument fit for that purpose, in order to confirm all that is stated and specified above. It is all valid and confirmed.
Attested to _______________________ (witness)
Attested to _______________________ (witness)
And to further strengthen and confirm all of the above said we have also added our signatures:
Groom ___________________________
Groom __________________________
Rabbi ________________________________