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In this Grove

a grove of trees overlooks the water
I wrote this chant-poem spontaneously on Friday, October 6 during an online ceremony to honor Sarah and the Matriarchs of Genesis. It was sparked by a chant shared by Lisa Moriah, of The Temple of Divine Radiance. The very next day I learned that Israel had been invaded. I offer this poem here as it is, raw and only lightly edited. And I offer it as an invitation for you to allow a poem to write itself spontaneously through you.

“Sarah lived in elonei mamre, a grove of sacred terebinths at Mamre …” Savina J. Teubal


In this grove of leaves and reeds.
In this grove, a shelter of green.
In this grove, a well of light.
In this grove that sighs and breathes.
In this grove that dissolves like a dream.
In this grove that awakens in me
forgotten tears of grief.
In this grove, I feel my skin grow soft.
In this grove, as my hips flow full
in the dance of my long-gone Mothers.
In this grove
where the promise is joy.
In this grove, we are the daughters still
and we are the heirs
who carry the dream
the gifts and the prayers
of our Mothers.

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Now more than ever, we need the guidance of our ancestors, and creative expression provides a wonderful path for connection.

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