Inspired by Parashat VayishlakhÂ
If my struggle were an angel                                                                             I would not think of giving up                                                                             I would lean into the darkness                                                                            Not lash out as fiercely                                                                               Wrestle more gently                                                                                      Be a little more careful not                                                                                 to injure its wings                                                                                         I would lean into its warm-winged breath                                                                Explore more the creature it is                                                                    Consider its magnificence – my own struggle an angel!
If my own struggle were an angel                                                                           I would shift my stance                                                                                 From gripping to embrace                                                                              From resisting to welcome                                                                             From running to standing face-to-face                                                                 Inviting battle once and for all                                                                         Energized, open, persisting                                                                          Insisting on knowing its name                                                                         Wrestle it to the ground, and keep wrestling until I did                                                     Even until morning
And if my struggle were an angel                                                                           That would mean there must be a blessing                                                                   I hope I would rally less                                                                                 Humble myself more                                                                                      And see God more quickly – know that I’m not separate                                                      Not alone, let go of the smaller me                                                                          For something much greater                                                                              So that along with travail                                                                                  Sense that love, beauty and goodness also prevail                                                            And in our tumbling dance, receive                                                                        The blessing I need most