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How to Settle Down at the End of the Day

bed in a dark room
Tasks not accomplished.
Emails not answered.
Deadlines not met.
Birthdays not acknowledged.
I’m lying down, yet all these unfinished urgent to-do’s
breakdancing through conscience and consciousness,
head hovering over a beckoning pillow,
jaw clenched, toes alert to spring up, ready to rhumba.
My breathing in jitter-buggy swings.
So I try to be lulled by a lullaby
Hashkivenu or ‘The Water is Wide’.
But my pulse is still hip-hopping.
Reflect: What are three acts of kindness that I received today?
What are three acts of kindness that I did today?

For example, today I received these acts of kindness:

  • a grandchild’s Facetime: “when’s our next sleepover, Savta”?
  • an open umbrella offered by a neighbor
  • thumbs-up on a Facebook post I was scared to share

For example, today I gave these acts of kindness:

  • contacted a childhood friend whose father’s obituary I chanced to find
  • signed up for Thanksgiving dinner delivery in West Philly
  • thanked the pharmacist for remembering to renew my mom’s prescription
Balance restoring, respiration calming, eyelids releasing.
Soothed at last…by the practice of recalling gemilut hasadim.

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