This version of the Hashkiveinu reimagines God as the Mother bird found in Devarim 22:6 of which all of humanity are her little chicks in need of solace in a world that seems so much in turmoil all around us. It can be read responsively in a group.
Hashkivenu, adonai eloheinu l’shalom, v’ha’amideinu malkeinu l’hayyim, ufros aleinu sukkat sh’lomekha
Dear Eternal Source of Life, Our Mother dear, leader in our lives, bring us your children into your nest of peace
V’takneinu b’eitzah tovah milfenekha, V’hoshi’einu l’ma’an sh’mekha.
Sing to us, cause us to dance to your words of unity amidst all the divisions we have experienced in our lives. Let your rhapsody become our song of hope witnessing to the universality of your name.
V’hagvein ba’adeinu, v’haseir meilanu oyeiv, dever, v’herev, v’ra’av, v’gayon, v’harkheik mimeinu avon vafesha. Uv’tzeil k’nafecha tasreinu…
Let us feel the comfort of your wings, let them remind us that all our trials, our fears, our worries, our concerns dissolve in your presence because we are all a part of something greater than ourselves….You.
Ki el shomreinu u’matzileinu atah, ki el hanun v’rakhum atah.
For you have watched us grow throughout all generations. You have liberated us from any tyranny that has arisen and shown us an abounding love despite our many shotcomings.
U’shmor tzeiteinu u’vo’einu l’hayyim u’l’shalom, me’atah v’ad olam.
Protect us as we leave you and return to you, looking to you as life and peace forevermore.
Weekday Closing
Nevarekh et eyn hayyim hey ha’olamim, shomeir amo Yisrael laad.
Let us bless that source of all, the exuberant life held within every sphere of being waiting to be experienced, and preserver of all who all struggle with the questions of life.
Shabbat Closing
Nevarekh et eyn hayyim hey ha’olamim, haporeis sukkat shalom aleinu v’al kol amo Yisrael v’al Yerushalayim
Let us bless that source of life, the exuberant life held within every sphere of being that is waiting to be experienced, calling us to our unanswered questions and to a universal harmmony called Zion.