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Hamilton Haggadah

A year ago, when we—two crazy-busy rabbinical students—started working on Hamilversions of the Passover story, we had no idea that our work would reach so many folks. We were humbled by the opportunity to add a little value to an inherently valuable Jewish experience, and of course we had a lot of fun seeing how y’all took our work and ran with it, just like we did Lin-Manuel Miranda’s original masterpiece.

It’s hardly a surprise that, a year later, Hamilton continues to be a central work in the American art scene. Even when (in a decade or two) the initial fervor around Hamilton dies, it will live on as a classic in the same vein as Les Miserables and Harry Potter. It’s for this reason that we’ve decided to expand last year’s work into a stand-alone haggadah, a book you can use to complete a seder from start to finish without anything else on the side (although, really, what’s a seder without at least 3 competing haggadot)?

We want our haggadah to be accessible for everybody, so we’ll let you download for free, but we’d love you to offer a donation that will be given to a worthy organization.

Download the haggadah below. Learn more at Listen to recordings of songs from the Hamilton Haggadah on SoundCloud.


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One Response

  1. Dear Emily and Jake: I am a little late getting around to it, but I would love to interview you both for an article about your “Hamilton” Haggadah. Please let me know if that is a possibility.

    Respectfully, Len Lear
    Features editor
    Chestnut Hill Local, Mt. Airy Local & Wissahickon Magazine

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