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Elul Guided Meditation

a person's silhouette in the distance underneath an indigo sky with a setting sun
Find a comfortable position …
Loosen any tight clothing …
Allow yourself to take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out
And another …
During this month of Elul, in preparation for our new year, we engage in heshbon hanefesh – an open and honest accounting of our soul. We take the time to deeply look inward and see where we’ve gotten off track, where we have missed the mark, acknowledge what we have accomplished and want to celebrate.
We’ll begin with exploring our lives in the physical world.
  • How do you care for, nurture and sustain your body?
  • How might you further care for and nourish your physical self?
  • Are there ways that you would like to engage with the world using your senses more, or develop physical skills that might give you pleasure
  • What gifts of your body are you grateful for?
Now, let’s explore the intellectual mental aspects of being – your thoughts, awareness,
  • How do you exercise and engage your mindt?
  • Do you encourage yourself to grow intellectually or mindfully?
  • Is there something special or new that you would like to learn this coming year?
  • Do you provide time and space to allow your mind to rest and just be?
  • What gifts of your mind are you grateful for?
Now, let’s focus on the emotional level of being – your intuition, feelings, heart connection
  • How have you responded emotionally to challenges you’ve faced this year? Where do you feel like you have grown emotionally this past year?
  • What emotional skills would you like to develop this coming year?
  • Do you recognize your inner voice? Can you listen to it?
  • What gifts of your feelings/heart are you grateful for?
We turn now to our spiritual nature – your core, your neshamah/soul, the place where you know you are connected to everything
  • How do you nurture your soul?
  • How do you find Gd in the busyness of your every day?
  • What spiritual learnings would you like to gain?
  • How would you like to deepen your spiritual life this coming year?
  • What gifts of spirit are you grateful for?
Let’s take a few moments and look back at the year overall:
  • What accomplishments and gifts have you received this past year?
  • What lessons have you learned? What have you grown from?
  • What do you wish you could have done differently? How can you bring that learning and intention into this coming year?
  • Is there any teshuvah you need to do with yourself? With others? With Gd?
  • If so, how can you start that work this month of Elul?
  • What seeds would you like to plant this coming year? What is ready to bloom or fruit from seeds planted this past year?
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One Response

  1. thank you this is very helpful it provides a good frame work for me to work with for the month of Elul

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