Guard my lips from gossip,
Tasty morsels spread like blackberry jam with sticky seeds that stain the soul.
Guard me from being the knife that spreads those hurtful words.
Guard my ears from gossip,
The wounding words I hear whispered about myself.
When I consume those bitter seeds, I also practice lashon hara
and I become my own harsh judge.
Let me meet whatever words arise with openness and calm. If the truth exists
within the words, it is my call to change. If no truth is there, then what have I to fear?
O God, help me shun evil and do good; seek integrity and pursue it.
Help me to be a friend to those in need,
and to be the friend I need the most.
Open Your lips within me
for I cannot speak.
Send Your words that I may
forgive with love, love with compassion
find Your peace, and do Your will.
Adonai, my Rock and Redeemer,
may the actions of my life be acceptable as Prayers of Praise.