In celebration of HanukkahThe holiday which celebrates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem following its conquest by the Syrians in 165 BCE. The holiday is celebrated by lighting candles in a hanukiyah oon each of eight nights. Other customs include the eating of fried foods such as latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiot (jelly donuts), playing dreidl (a gambling game with a spinning top), and, in present day America, gift giving., the author posted eight questions on social media for the eight nights of the holiday, using the hashtag #eightqs. These questions can be used as fodder for discussion with family and friends, before or after lighting.
First night: What is your source of light in the darkness?
Second night: When have you been a match, igniting someone else’s spark?
Third night: When has someone else empowered you to discover your own brightness within?
Fourth night: Share a favorite Chanukah memory. What makes that particular memory stand out for you?
Fifth night: The Maccabees fought for what they believed in. What belief, idea, or value would you fight for?
Sixth night: What does the word miracle mean to you? Did you witness any miracles this year?
Seventh night: What is a non-material gift someone gave you this year? What is a gift that you gave to someone else?
Eighth night: What have these questions illuminated for you over the last week?
This piece was originally published as part of an article at the Huffington Post.