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Day Twelve of the Omer

Abstract painting with red, brown, and yellow horizontal stripes and texture.

12.  Hod she’beGevurah
Glory within Strength

Yemima, Ketziah, and Keren-happuch, Job’s daughters (Book of Job 42:1415)

Job is afflicted with troubles, including the loss of his seven sons and three daughters. He cries out to God, demanding to know the reason for his suffering. Finally, God answers, telling Job that God’s knowledge is too great for him to understand. Yet because of Job’s questioning, God rewards him with riches and health, as well as seven new sons and three new daughters called Yemima (Bright Day), Ketziah (Cassia Tree), and Keren-happuch (Horn of Eyeshadow). Unlike other daughters in the Bible, who have no inheritance if they have brothers, Yemima, Ketziah, and Keren-happuch receive land from their father equally with their brothers.

While they cannot replace Job’s children who died, Job’s daughters are a sign that new life is possible. The land they receive from their father is a sign of their ability to pursue their own destinies. This day of the Omer is Yom haShoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, and Yemima, Ketziah, and Keren-happuch bring new hope to this day of mourning. We most embody the hod she’begevurah, the beauty within harshness, of Yemima, Ketziah, and Keren-happuch when we are able to begin again after tragedy.

The full Omer Calendar of Biblical Women, written by Rabbi Jill Hammer and produced by Shir Yaakov Feit, is available on Ritualwell in book form. To order a copy, visit: 



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