When AdamAdam is the first human being created by God. Symbolizes: Creation, humankind. awoke and found the hole in his side,
did he feel violated?
Did he feel that God should have let him be conscious?
Did he want to participate
at least by awareness –
in the creation of EveEve, according to the book of Genesis, is Adam's wife, the first woman to be created.?
Did he feel that he was now less than he had been before?
missing a side, a rib
or his dignity?
or was the goal of companion
and the sight of Eve
enough to assuage his longing?
Into the hands of others, I commend my body,
into the minds of others, I deliver my trust.
I remember my love and my desire.
May they consider my being,
may we all bring life.
Published in Motherprayer: The Pregnant Woman’s Spiritual Companion, by Tikva Frymer-Kensky (New York: Riverhead Books, 1995).