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Consolation in Time of Pandemic

light coming through trees

Pesukei de Nechemta

Intention to offer and serve Wilderness a plain every valley a High place.

All flesh see together grass and Flowers speak to the mountains Lift up your voice from low places.

Foundations know and hear lift Up your eyes plant your feet.

Give yourself a name give Every-Thing a name.

Engrave psalms on your hands build me into a fence whatever pursues will depart

Lift up your eyes alive clothe yourself with ornaments your narrows too small for you

Be a bride

Toasted afflicted all the children taught

Gemstones rubies sapphires I have Created a peace smithy peace within Righteousness

Give up your fear pound out in coals a Soul come together your words

Who are you what do you Fear

Remember foundations heavens above earth beneath your feet lift up your hands Plant

The waves roar a name I put words in your mouth shadow of my hand planted above lift up your eyes to

Sing out of your narrows
Lay out a tent
Secure it with tent pegs and lines

Lay it out in pleasant places
Spread it out nightly
You will not be shamed

Remember then forget
We both blinked for a moment

The waters of Noah have passed
I have sworn on the mountains and hills
The covenant of peace

You shall shine
Even in darkness
And God’s way will be seen
By your light

Lift your eyes
All around you
They are all assembled
To accompany you
Radiant fearless
And expansive
Shall be your heart

Your light will never

All your people are righteous
You are all a branch
Of the planting

God’s handiwork
All of you

Robes of justice and salvation
I am like a bridegroom
These priestly accessories

I am like a bride
Her jewels
Like the garden like the earth
God brings forth justice and praises
Before all nations

I will not rest
Until we burn like a torch
And all the nations will see
We will be called by
A new Name

Which the mouth of God
Will speak
We will be a jewel
In the open hand
Of God

You may go through the gates
Clear the way for all people

You are interpreted
Expounded not forsaken

All the days from old

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