Years pass
I move forward.
Do they care?
Should I care?
Deepening divides.
Should I call?
Will they call?
What’s wrong with them?
What’s wrong with me?
Rosh Hashanah—a sweet new year
Yom Kippur—a time to forgive
Pesakh—living my mitzrayimLit. Egypt. Because the Hebrew word for narrow is tzar, Mitzrayim is also understood as "narrowness," as in, the narrow and confining places in life from which one emerges physically and spiritually.
Shabbat—the children’s blessing I’ll never be given
Longing for what I never had
Grieving for my reality
For what I will never have.
Graduations. Weddings.
Invitations never sent.
Years pass
I move forward
Building chosen family.
Letting go of what isn’t
never will be
Embracing the now
Fnding home.