In this text, God rejects the ancestors and the prophets, but accepts the children as good guarantors. Can be said by grandparents.
When Israel stood to receive the Torah, the Holy One said to them: “I am prepared to give you My Torah. Present to Me good guarantors that you will observe and study the Torah and I shall give it to you.”
They said: “Our ancestors are our guarantors.”
The Holy One said: “Your ancestors are not sufficient guarantors. Bring Me good guarantors, and I shall give you the Torah.”
They said: “Our prophets are our guarantors.”
The Holy One said: “The prophets are not sufficient guarantors. Bring Me good guarantors and I shall give you the Torah.”
They said: “Indeed, our children will be our guarantors.”
The Holy One said: “Your children are good guarantors. For their sake I give the Torah to you.”