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Blessing for Someone Relocating

Couple sits on a wooden floor in a bright room with a black dog, smiling near large windows.

Mi Shebeirakh avoteinu, Avraham, Yitzkhak v’Ya’akov
v’imoteinu Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel v’Leah,
Hu yivarekh et akheinu she’over la’makom hadash

May the One who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah
also bless you, our friend ___________, who are about to move your life
and relocate to a new city.

We ask that God will protect you on your journeys,
that you will reach your new destination safely and in peace.
We pray that your move will be a smooth one (and that all your stuff will arrive safely).

We pray that you depart from us
with a sense of wholeness and completion,
with memories of this community as a loving community,
knowing that our relationships endure.
We pray that you carry us in your heart to your new home,
            and that our love and care for you will always remain with us.

We pray that you will find, in your new home, the warmth of community,
the joy of new opportunities, new discoveries, and new friends.
May all whom you encounter treat you with kindness, love, and compassion,
and may your path be an easy one — one that brings you contentment and blessing.

We pray that you will find, always, the blessing of peace and wholeness,
            of shalom,
            and know always,
that [name of your community] will be your home.

ה’ ישמור צאתך בשולם
ובואך בשלום
מעתה ועד עולם

May you depart in peace, may you arrive in peace,
and may God bless you with peace, now and forever. Amen.


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