This is a blessing I wrote while breastfeeding my son at work. I was struck by a sudden need to say a brakhah, but the only one I could think of was Asher Yatzar, which honors the body’s miraculous workings, but in a different way. So I ended up writing this blessing.
This blessing is loosely based on Asher Yatzar, but with an emphasis on the feminine aspects of the Divine, as well as some additions from the liturgy of the baby naming ceremony.
Setting a kavannah (intention):
As I have used this blessing, I have found that it helps me slow down and appreciate the sublime experience of feeding my child, easing the compulsion to “multitask.” If you choose to use this blessing, I encourage you to use it as an opportunity to stop and spiritually “recharge” and “recenter” for the duration of the nursing session.
The Blessing
(said immediately after the baby latches)