May the One who blessed our ancestors – Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah, Zilpa and Bilha; Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – bless you as you enter into this new chapter in your life.
The world was not formed by a single act. Each and every day God renews the work of creation. May God grant you the strength to constantly renew your own creation.
May you open your heart and mind to continuous growth, unexpected change, and the perpetual unsettling, liberating expansion of being alive.
May you have the courage to name and sanctify this moment of change that is shaping your body and soul in the image of the Divine….(allow space to mention moments that we are marking).
Blessed are You, El Shaddai, our God, the Renewing One of the world, who has kept us alive and sustained us and allowed us to reach this time of transformation. And let us say: Amen!