On this [Shabbat nearest to] World AIDS Day, before we pause to remember those who have lost their lives to HIV and AIDS, we first give thanks:
Al Ha-nissim: For the wonders of the enduring strength of the human spirit;
V’al Ha-g’vurot: And for the heroic acts of those who stood strong in days of prejudice;
V’al Ha-t’shu’ot: And for the victories in the advancements of antiretroviral medication;
V’al Ha-nifla’ot: And for the marvelous deeds of the healthcare professionals;
V’al Ha-nekhamot: And for the compassionate support of friends and relatives;
She’asita La’avoteinu: That You enabled for those who went before us;
Ba’yamim Ha-heim: in those early days of HIV and AIDS;
Uva-z’man Ha-zeh: and in these times.
May the time come soon when this terrible disease will become but a nightmare from history. Yet until that time we pray for those who are ill and in pain. We pause now to name them in our hearts:
Barukh Atah Adonay, Rofeh Hakholim – Amen.
We also pause to remember those who lost their lives to HIV and AIDS; those we loved, those we knew and those millions around the world too numerous to even begin to comprehend:
Zikhronam Livrakhah – May their memories be an enduring blessing – Amen.