Art Green, a noted Jewish theologian, once observed that a central function of prayer for him was humbling himself, realizing his own smallness in relationship to God. Judith Plaskow countered that women already spend too much time humbling themselves and, if anything, prayer for women, needs to affirm their strengths and deeds. This is even more true on the High Holidays when we recite the traditional al het (confession of sins) over and over again. The following prayer is offered as a counter and complement to the al het. –Rona Shapiro
For the mitzvah we fulfilled by loving ourselves
And for the mitzvah we fulfilled by loving our partners, our friends, and our families.
For the mitzvah we fulfilled by affirming our own strengths
And for the mitzvah we fulfilled by affirming the strengths of others.
For the mitzvah we fulfilled in our work
And for the mitzvah we fulfilled by eating healthy food.
For the mitzvah we fulfilled by being honest
And for the mitzvah we fulfilled by living our values and beliefs.
For the mitzvah we fulfilled by supporting Jews
And for the mitzvah we fulfilled by supporting all peoples.
For the mitzvah we fulfilled by working for justice and peace
And for the mitzvah we fulfilled by preserving the environment.
For the mitzvah we fulfilled by…
And for the mitzvah we fulfilled by…
We are accepting
We are balanced
We are caring
We are devoted
We are empathic
We are faithful
We are gracious
We are holy
We are insightful
We are just
We are kind
We are loving
We are modest
We are nurturing
We are open
We are positive
We are questioning
We are reaching
We are strong
We are trustworthy
We are understanding
We are vital
We are wise
We are young
We are zestful
From the High Holiday supplement of Congregation Mishkan Shalom, Philadelphia.