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A Rosh Hashanah Blessing: You are Enough

a basket in front of a wildflower field
In the coming year,
may you open your eyes each morning,
to the basket of gifts offered
without restraint by Life Unfolding.
A basket woven by the sea,
Sealed by the earth,
Fired to an irresistible shine,
Riding on the wind of all your joys
And all your sorrows.
All your certainties
And all your doubts
And all the in-betweens.
A basket so large it cannot be contained
filled with curious boxes of all sizes,
W=wrapped in all varieties of experience and feelings,
some will have the fragrance
of today’s just-cut lilacs.
Others the odor of yesterday’s fishwrap.
Unwrap one gift,
and another appears.
The basket is always full.
It holds everything,
the gifts of scarcity, anxiety, emptiness,
Loss, loneliness, confusion.
May their presence not conceal from
your eyes the most basic gifts
The breath of life,
the steadfast sun,
the senses through which you receive
the miracle of creation.
May you accept all of them,
even the most foul stuff of life,
with appreciation.
May you thank the giver,
for you cannot know
the why or wherefore
or the diamond that may
be hidden in the blackness
of what seems impossible to bear.
For as long as you live.
May you share your riches with others,
in whatever way expresses the
trueness that is you.
For you are a blessing, you know.
May you be blessed to have faith
that you are loved.
Faith that at every given moment,
you have enough.
you do enough.
you are enough.
May you have faith
that you are loved.
And let us say Amen.






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