G-d, please,
May there be peace in this world,
a peace that lasts and protects and prevents
any shedding of innocent blood,
anywhere in the world.
I look at the pictures, and sometimes I hide from the pictures,
of children who look like my children,
and also, children who do not look like my children,
children who have been murdered and tortured, captured and burned,
in Your name,
and I am horrified.
My heart weeps for them all
I don’t understand how so much killing
is still happening in Your name,
why we cannot find peace no matter where we look,
and I am seeking the Truth
though there are so many truths
and also lies
competing in the space of my screens,
my personal conversations,
and my brain.
I am seeking the deepest wisdom
that holds multiple truths and
reveals a deeper Truth within them.
If there is a lesson to be gained here,
I stand ready to receive it
for myself and on behalf of my generation.
Please heal our punishment if we are being punished,
like the people of the Tower of Babel,
for building tall towers and not
trying to come close to You
when things were peaceful and good.
Thus we lost our ability to hear one another.
And now we long for the ability
to listen to one another
and to hear Your truth.
Please grant us clarity and wisdom
and heal our bodies, minds and hearts,
for we are filled with confusion and suffering.
Please, protect the innocent and return the captives.
Strengthen the good and may all evil evaporate.
Please, may we find the good in each other,
Even those we presently
If there is a lesson
we need to learn,
or a returning
we need to do
please help us each find our ways because
we are wandering lost in darkness
without Your wisdom.
Please, bring Your peace
in the right time.