Sometimes we feel confined to the narrow path
Between what we feel and what others see
Between what we know and what others don’t know
Between our abilities and what we think others expect of us
Our tradition tells us that despite appearances, lev yodea marat nafsho (Proverbs 14:10) – the heart knows the bitterness of its own soul.
Let us rise in strength and spirit because we are the best arbiters of our choices.
We know more than anyone else the bitterness, the joys, the pain, and the triumphs of our bodies and spirits.
When we enter narrow straits, may we harness the courage that resides in us daily.
May we be liberated by the expanse of our gifts – the gifts of humility, compassion, and inspiration that the world gains when we bring to it our whole selves.
* “An invisible disability is a physical, mental or neurological condition that is not visible from the outside, yet can limit or challenge a person’s movements, senses, or activities. Unfortunately, the very fact that these symptoms are invisible can lead to misunderstandings, false perceptions, and judgments” – Invisible Disabilities Association