Matrix of The Holy Blessed One,
We have come with our prayers.
Please, hear us.
Matrix of The Holy Blessed One,
We know that we have sinned.
Please, be gentle with us.
We are already hurting.
We hurt so much
That our vision
Is clouded.
When we hurt so much,
We cannot always see
The way forward.
Matrix of The Holy Blessed One,
Alone, we are at the mercies of our enemies,
Both internal and external.
Please protect us within
The safety of Your sukkah.
Matrix of The Holy Blessed One,
We walk toward You
Knowing we cannot hide
From You.
Matrix of The Holy Blessed One,
Grant us the power
Of relational repair.
Then grant us the courage,
The compassion,
And humility,
To enact it.
Matrix of The Holy Blessed One,
Magnify our small efforts of healing.
In order that blessings,
Envelope the world.
Matrix of The Holy Blessed One,
We are bound in the trappings of ourselves.
We are reduced each time
We are not our fullest selves.
Blow into us the expansion
That is compassion:
Help us untangle
This messiness.
Matrix of The Holy Blessed One,
While we are nothing more than dust,
We want to know that you are watching.
That You can see us.
If we did not hope for this,
We would not now
Be turning to You.
Matrix of The Holy Blessed One,
We know that we are to be
A reflection of You.
Please, help us.
Matrix of The Holy Blessed One,
Where else can we turn,
If not to You?