“As He has inclined His ear to me, so in my days shall I call.” -Psalm 116
Praise be to You, Adonai, Ruler of the Universe, from earliest morning to deepest night, from moments of peril to moments of joy.
Praise be to Your wonders north, south, east, and west; from the magnificent Northern Lights to the elegant Antarctic icebergs, from the quiet calm of the Great Barrier Reef to the fierce roar of Iguazu Falls.
Today I am struggling, Hashem, struggling with the weight of my heart and the weight of the world.
I am unsteady and unsure.
I stand like a man drowning in the rain; face to the sky, mouth open wide, unable to lower my chin and find relief.
Help me, Hashem, help me see within and beyond myself.
Help me know every season changes.
Help me feel there is a way forward even though I do not understand it yet.
You are the sun and the moon and the stars, the land and the sea.
You are the sweetness in a baby’s palm and the saltiness of unshed tears.
You hear my voice, my supplications.
Wherever I am, You know me.
I praise You and Your creation, Adonai, this morning and all my days to come.