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A Jerusalem Afternoon in Wartime

Rabbi Haviva dressed in white sits with protestors
Sitting on the street
with women 
All in white 
Mostly gray, a brunette  
or blond here or there. 
A girl in grade school, 
Her notebook open on the asphalt. 
Her mother beside her, helping. Both with white t-shirts 
Over their long sleeves. 
There is a chill in the afternoon  
Jerusalem air. 
A grandmother puts her arm around her granddaughter. 
A baby cries, a dog barks,  
breaking the silence. 
Also, men. A splattering of men 
Come to support the mothers, 
Daughters and sisters. 
Is he inside the 
Shuttered and gated 
Hidden behind bushes? 
A child ashamed 
To face all these mothers. 
What is his mother 
Saying from heaven? 
We sit for peace 
We sit for life 
We sit for sanity 
We sit for a future 
We sit to put an end to the madness 
But we do not talk 
All the words have been said 
For 403 days 
But no one listens 
Maybe they will listen to the silence. 
A text from my mother. 
From where the sun is just rising. 
She is trying to reach me. 
Where are you? (Her code for I love you) 
I could write anything, but I write the truth. 
Don’t you have more important things to do?  
(Her code for I care about you, worry for your health and safety) 
“Move! You must move! NOW!  
This is an illegal protest!  
You are blocking the street!” 
Shout the men (and one woman) in midnight blue. 
“If you don’t, we will force you!” 
The world is a narrow bridge, we sing in response 
But we are not afraid. 
Swaying, back and forth. 
A prayer.  
The sun sets, the sky goes dark as their uniforms. 
We are still singing. 
They are still standing. 
Looking, but not moving. 
An empty threat. 
A no-no in Parenting 101. 
Now we know we can do it again. 
And again. 
Maybe eventually the man inside the house will listen. 
Those with less power teaching those with more 
About what really matters. 
I remember my mother’s message 
Sitting unanswered on my lap. 
No, I don’t, is my answer. 
There is nothing  
more important 
than this  


Rabbi Haviva Ner-David will be leading the upcoming Ritualwell immersion, Facing Our Death to Live More Fully: A Jewish Approach




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