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A Brief Megillah

a row of people wearing festive masks
1. King Ahashverosh reigns from India to Ethiopia and sits in the capital called Shushan. He gives a very large, very long party. On the 7th day, he commands the eunuchs: Harbona, Mehuman, Bizzetha, Abagtha, Zethar and Carcas to bring Queen Vashti wearing only her crown. 
“I won’t dance, don’t ask me….I won’t dance, merci beaucoup…” 
She chose not to appear. 
The King sponsors a new queen contest. Only virgins may apply. 
Mordechai encourages his lovely niece to enter 
Esther is crowned (yay). 
2. Mordechai overhears a plot to overthrow the king. Haman gets promoted. 
Mordechai won’t bow. 
Haman tells the king there is a ‘certain people in the kingdom, different from the rest.’ King A gives H free reign: do what you will. 
The 13th day of Adar is chosen. 


3. Mordechai dons sackcloth and sends a message to Esther via a eunuch. 
Esther replies, “Gather the Jews of Shushan and fast for 3 days. Then I will go to the King, even if this is against the law. If i perish, I perish.” 
King A holds out his scepter (oh my). They talk. 
Esther hosts an intimate dinner party of 3: She, the King and Haman. 
Zeresh, Haman’s wife dreams of a gallows 50 ft high. 


4. Queen Esther reveals that she is Jewish and pleads for her life and the life of her people. 
She names Haman the real villain who faints on her couch and pleads for his life. 
Haman’s class ring is given to Mordechai. The 13th of Adar becomes a day of merriment. The Jews have light and joy, gladness and honor. 
Haman and his 10 sons sway from the gallows, 50 feet high. 






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