The group invited to the coming out ceremony arranges themselves in a semi-circle, and the person coming out sits or stands in front of them.
The person coming out scribbles on a piece of paper with a pencil, and holds it up so that everyone can see the scribbles. The person then says, “As I erase this scribble, I am also symbolically erasing the closet I have been in, and coming out as bisexual.”
The person then erases the scribble and holds up the paper again. The person then says, “As this paper has been made free of scribbles, I am now free from the closet, out and proud as a bisexual.
Blessed are You Eternal Spirit who has given me life, sustained me and allowed me to arrive in this moment.”
The group invited to the coming out ceremony replies, “Blessed are You Eternal Spirit who has given us life, sustained us and allowed us to arrive in this moment.”
The End