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Challah in the Round

Challah takes on a different twist during Rosh Hashanah.

Omer Day 5: April Poem

"Relax and stretch into love, whispers the gate of Hod in Hesed"

Blessing for Daughters

"May you claim your ancient power"

Holding Each Other

Come together with the Ritualwell community every Monday for "Holding Each Other," a 15-minute online minyan. Join us to enhance your spiritual resilience and provide support to others in need of strength.

Story Magic: Fiction Writing Through a Jewish Lens, Part 1

Explore the craft of Jewish fiction writing

The Mourner’s Way: A Review of Rabbi Me’irah Iliinsky’s Mapping the Journey

An artistic validation of the many textures of grief

Inner and Outer Peace Work Inspired by Etty Hillesum

Write Jewish environmental poetry

Transforming Purim

A guide to planning a women's Purim program using text study, art, and activism to celebrate Purim in new ways

The Woman in the Mirror

A midrash shared from the perspective of Elisheba.

Egalitarian Tena'im

Written for two men; adaptable for any two partners

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Join the Ritualwell community to read and discuss examples of hope expressed in writing through song, story, humor and metaphor that will stir you to think about where hope lives within you.

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The Reconstructionist Network