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Behind the Mask: A Creative Exploration of the Characters in the Purim Story

Facilitator: Elana Bell

Program Type: Event

Topic: Jewish texts, Writing


Gain inspiration from texts by Patricia Smith, Margaret Atwood, and others to inspire us to move beyond writing from the personal “I” and see what we can discover about the Purim stories and their meaning for our own lives when we put on the mask and write.


Behind the Mask: A Creative Exploration of the Characters in the Purim Story

Facilitator: Elana Bell

Program Type: Event

Topic: Jewish texts, Writing


Gain inspiration from texts by Patricia Smith, Margaret Atwood, and others to inspire us to move beyond writing from the personal “I” and see what we can discover about the Purim stories and their meaning for our own lives when we put on the mask and write.



The Jewish Approach to Conflict Transformation

Facilitator: Rabbi Ezra Weinberg

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: conflict resolution, Jewish texts


Jewish tradition is a storehouse of wisdom and practical application on how to navigate the world of conflict and how we respond to it. In this Immersion, we will explore what conflict transformation might look like in our times.


The Jewish Approach to Conflict Transformation

Facilitator: Rabbi Ezra Weinberg

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: conflict resolution, Jewish texts


Jewish tradition is a storehouse of wisdom and practical application on how to navigate the world of conflict and how we respond to it. In this Immersion, we will explore what conflict transformation might look like in our times.


The Jewish Approach to Conflict Transformation

Facilitator: Rabbi Ezra Weinberg

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: conflict resolution, Jewish texts


Jewish tradition is a storehouse of wisdom and practical application on how to navigate the world of conflict and how we respond to it. In this Immersion, we will explore what conflict transformation might look like in our times.


The Reconstructionist Network

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Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

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The Reconstructionist Network