During Hanukkah, at the heart of winter, we enact a ritual that teaches us to grow in our light. Starting with a single flickering flame, the festival of lights concludes with a glorious fully lit menorah, visible through the window, shining from within and out to the world. How can we allow this ritual to transform us? Join Dr. Mira Neshama Weil for a session dedicated to shining our light within and without. Through reflecting on the meaning of the festival, meditating, and learning rituals for our menorah lighting each night, we will prepare for Hanukkah with purpose and presence and make each day of lighting the menorah a truly meaningful, transformative practice. The session comprises text study, guided meditation, ritual learning and time for questions and sharings. People of all backgrounds are welcome.
Dr. Mira Neshama Weil is a Paris-born scholar and teacher of Jewish spirituality and meditation. A post-doctoral fellow (Hebrew University of Jerusalem/Oxford University) working on contemporary Jewish spirituality, a certified Jewish Experiential Educator (Pardes Institute for Jewish Studies/Yesod European Fellows), a Certified Mindfulness Instructor (Mindfulness Training Institute), a Certified Jewish Mindfulness Teacher (Institute for Jewish Spirituality), and a Certified Vinyasa-Ashtanga Yoga teacher (RYT 200h at Sira Yoga), she teaches Torah and Jewish meditation internationally for institutions such as Or HaLev, Applied Jewish Spirituality, the Romemu Yeshiva, IJS, Moishe House, and more. She lives in Tel Aviv with her husband Matan and their dog Nissim, and when she’s not busy learning or teaching about Jewish spirituality, she works on growing her illustration portfolio and her guitar and Hebrew chanting, while experimenting to bake the perfect challah.
The session will be recorded and sent to participants. We encourage live attendance for you to get the most out of the experience.
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