Humanizing Mitzvot Through Poetry
Discover your connection to powerful mitzvot through the exploration of ancient and modern poetry. Create your own poems inspired by our reading, discussions and personal reflection.
Humanizing Mitzvot Through Poetry
Discover your connection to powerful mitzvot through the exploration of ancient and modern poetry. Create your own poems inspired by our reading, discussions and personal reflection.
Humanizing Mitzvot Through Poetry
Discover your connection to powerful mitzvot through the exploration of ancient and modern poetry. Create your own poems inspired by our reading, discussions and personal reflection.
The Hidden Light of Hanukkah: Preparing for the Holiday with Meditation and Poetry
Join a special collaboration between the Institute for Jewish Spirituality and Ritualwell to prepare for HanukkahThe holiday which celebrates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem following its conquest by the Syrians in 165 BCE. The holiday is celebrated by lighting candles in a hanukiyah oon each of eight nights. Other customs include the eating of fried foods such as latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiot (jelly donuts), playing dreidl (a gambling game with a spinning top), and, in present day America, gift giving. through mindfulness meditation, poetry and generative writing practices.
The Hidden Light of Hanukkah: Preparing for the Holiday with Meditation and Poetry
Join a special collaboration between the Institute for Jewish Spirituality and Ritualwell to prepare for Hanukkah through mindfulness meditation, poetry and generative writing practices.
The Hidden Light of Hanukkah: Preparing for the Holiday with Meditation and Poetry
Join a special collaboration between the Institute for Jewish Spirituality and Ritualwell to prepare for Hanukkah through mindfulness meditation, poetry and generative writing practices.
ADVOT@Ritualwell Open House
Join us for an open house to learn about ADVOT@Ritualwell, a creative home for poets, liturgists, ritual creators, songwriters, and other Jewish artists.