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#ReimagineLoss Twitter Chat Archive
By Ritualwell
July 10, 2015
This past Friday afternoon, we hosted the third in our series of #ReimagineRitual Twitter chats, this one on #ReimagineLoss. We discussed ways to remagine Jewish mourning rituals, touching on subjects such as how ritual provides structure for our grief, making sense of the phrase "Baruch Dayan Ha-emet," and grieving practices in Jewish interfaith families. We appreciate the many voices represented in this chat. The aim of these chats is to be the first step in ongoing conversations.
Holes in the Ritual: Opportunities to Enhance Jewish Mourning Rituals
By Rabbi Joe Blair
July 6, 2015
While I have always found Jewish mourning rituals to be meaningful, providing a structure through which to process one of life’s most difficult moments, I have also noticed over the years a few areas in which these rituals could be augmented to mark significant moments for the mourning family and the community that supports them. As someone who is deeply involved in organizations that specifically address Jewish mourning practices, I am particularly interested in seeing creative additions to the repertoire of Jewish mourning rituals.
Creating a New
By Rabbi Michelle Greenfield
June 15, 2015
At the end of
Pokeakh Ivrim: Opening our Minds to New Forms of Inclusion
By Lauren Tuchman
June 9, 2015
Typically when we think of access in general and in Jewish community specifically, we first default to thinking about physical access—is the
#ReimagineDisability in the Jewish Community
By Ritualwell
June 8, 2015
This past Friday afternoon, while Twitter experienced a "glut" of tweets recognizing #NationalDonutDay, @Ritualwell had a slightly different agenda. We hosted the second in our series of #ReimagineRitual Twitter chats, this one on #ReimagineDisability. Following a successful first chat on #ReimagineBnaiMitzvah, this chat started a conversation on ways in which the Jewish community can become more inclusive of folks with disabilities.
First-person Plural: On Participating in Jewish Community as a Deaf Person
By Jeffery Zuckerman
June 1, 2015
Judaism is as much a community as a religion, and as such it is deeply rooted in ritual and tradition. This communal nature is cemented by speaking and singing in unison, commingling individual voices within a rhythmic repetition of sh’ma
Fostering Across Generations: A Letter to our Foster Daughter
By Tamar Fox
May 26, 2015
As part of a ritual we created to say farewell to our foster daughter, Dafna, below is the story of my family's history of fostering across the generations, from escaping the Nazis to offering shelter to teenagers fleeing Vietnam. We read this during the goodbye ceremony. Photo by Nomad Nirvana Photography
Renewing the Bar/Bat Mitzvah
By Rabbi Rachel Nussbaum
April 28, 2015
On a recent Saturday evening, I found myself in a small artsy theater in downtown Seattle for the debut of an original animated film. When the film ended, the young filmmaker, Frieda, was greeted with thunderous applause. Afterward, she joined me on stage for a Director’s Q&A session, where I interviewed her about both the content and the making of her movie. The topic of the film? Parashat Beshalakh.
Iyar is the Month of Healing: On Creating a Jewish Healing Circle
By Sue Gurland
April 20, 2015
In Kabbalah, the current month on the Hebrew calendar, Iyar, is the month of healing. Its spelling—aleph, yud, yud, resh—corresponds to the first letters of the words “Ani Yud-Yud Rofecha,” “I am G-d your Healer.” As I prepare for the Jewish Healing Circle I lead each month at my synagogue, I am struck by what a powerful healing tool it has become.
Revelation Where You Least Expect It: Kabbalah Meets T'ai Chi
By Sue Gurland
April 13, 2015
I felt totally in my body, my mind quiet, connected to the tree, nature, and the Oneness of the Universe. I felt rooted between Heaven and Earth.

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