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Altered Harvest: Sukkot and Climate Change
By Rav Kohenet Jill Hammer
October 1, 2015
The sukkah is one profound place to remember the effects of global scorching on all of us.
May All Debts Be Forgiven
By Nati Passow
September 24, 2015
How can we embrace the powerful exercise of Shmita in a way that is both personally meaningful and works to restore the fabric of our community?
Yizkor: Remembering Victims of Sexual Assault
By Ariana Katz
September 21, 2015
Our most holy texts make it clear that we may not stand idly by while violence is perpetrated in our midst.
Sukkat Shalom: October 4th
By Rabbi Arthur Waskow
September 3, 2015
Every once in a long while, different streams of time flow together in a way that seems uncanny—even miraculous.
Finding My Own Way to Jewish Ritual
By Hannah Elbaum
September 1, 2015
A first-year college student reflects on making Judaism her own
Call for Submissions: Jewish Responses to Climate Change
By Ritualwell
August 27, 2015
We welcome your submissions for a virtual “assembly” of voices that weave in Jewish teachings, rituals, and prayers in response to climate change
Jewels of Elul 2015
By Rabbi David Wolpe
August 13, 2015
"Elul calls us to be deep sea divers into our souls." Jewels of Elul is a project created by Craig Taubman that offers 29 inspirational insights for the month of Elul. The following blog post by Rabbi David Wolpe, first published at the Jewels of Elul website, introduces the Jewels of 2015 on their 10-year anniversary. Mazel Tov!
When Is the Right Time to Heal?
By Hila Ratzabi
August 4, 2015
Grief begins to feel like the humidity of northeast summer: a ubiquitous discomfort that we’ve come to accept as normal. 
Jewish Grieving for a Non-Jewish Relative
By Erika Davis
July 20, 2015
I continued to wonder how a Jew-by-choice goes about honoring a dead loved one in a way that doesn’t offend non-Jewish relatives and honors my adopted Jewish traditions.
Mourning Our Way: Adapting Jewish Mourning Customs for a Special Needs Family
By Rabbi Amber Powers
July 13, 2015
Four months ago I was about to get ready for bed when my cellphone rang. I ignored it because it was from an unknown caller. When I ignored it a second time, the caller left a voicemail. It was my stepmother's friend, whom I had never met, calling from a hospital in Texas.

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