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Category: Rosh Hashanah

a person wearing a hat walking in the middle of a road surrounded by trees in autumn
Paul Swerdlow
August 12, 2024
Rosh Hashanah: The Other Seder
By Rabbi Barbara Penzer and Brian Rosman
August 27, 2020
Celebrate Rosh Hashanah at home with delicious, symbolic foods
Taking the Shofar into the Streets for 5781
By Aviva L. Brown
August 19, 2020
Unable to hear the shofar this year in person, Aviva took matters into her own hands
A New Year and Nu
August 17, 2020
"The shofar gloriously confirms the birthday of the world. It is a new year and with it, a new you."
Elul: A Month for Reflection and Action
By Carolyn Cohen
August 8, 2019
This 29-day practice opened a fresh space in my prayers and revitalized the way I entered the Yamim Noraim
Communal Acts of Private Intimacy: A Review of Trisha Arlin’s Place Yourself
By Alden Solovy
January 7, 2019
Like the liturgists of old, Arlin’s work troubles us where we are too comfortable and comforts us when we are troubled
Removing “Kosher” from our Mikveh Terminology
By Sheridan Gayer
August 28, 2018
It is revealing that quite regularly women tell me they prefer not to feel like a side of beef being kashered in her immersion process.
The Hard Holy Days
Rabbi Amy Loewenthal
September 27, 2017
Is there another way to look at life and death, that isn’t through a lens of fear and trembling?
Now and Forever
Alden Solovy
September 12, 2017
The prayers and tunes of S’lichot are meant to crack into our yearnings for all that is good, righteous and holy, and to point us toward our own errors. We’ve put stumbling blocks in front of ourselves. Realizing that we’ve knocked ourselves off our own feet, we’re called upon to see our regrets as a doorway to repentance.

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