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Category: Friday Evening

Re-imagining Shabbat
By Cyd Weissman
July 24, 2020
When the doors to the world reopen, I wonder, will I run to my next must-do?
Check Out the Virtual Shabbat Box!
July 16, 2020
To make Shabbat special, watch, read and listen to rich Jewish resources in your weekly Virtual Shabbat Box.
Journeying through the Siddur: A Review of Alden Solovy's This Joyous Soul
By Trisha Arlin
March 31, 2019
The Amidah section in my copy of This Joyous Soul is a sea of dog ears
Embodying Holy Energy through Bellydancing
By Rabbi Cherina Eisenberg
March 7, 2019
Rabbinical school did not teach me about the energy within sacred text or ritual.
The Shabbat Tent
By Hila Ratzabi
June 1, 2018
The tent is a physical reminder for us to take time to be close to our loved ones and to ourselves.
7 Ways to Make Friday Night Special
By Elyssa Cherney
July 25, 2016
Every week seems to fly by faster than the one before it. As a result, it’s important to stop, slow down, and take time to reflect. Within the Jewish tradition this space to reflect is created on
On MLK Day
By Repair the World
January 7, 2016
Sometimes, the hardest thing about observing rituals is not choosing or creating the rituals themselves: it’s about making time for them. We may be super well-intentioned. We may crave the mindfulness and connections that come with a ritually engaged life. But the hectic pace of everyday schedules have a tendency to get in the way of even the best intentions.
Building blessing muscle
By Ilana Lerman
February 4, 2014
It feels like a superpower: to know how to stop time, command presence with another being, and articulate the gift that says, “I see and love you. Keep going.”
A Parent's Prayer
By Amanda Feder
December 28, 2012
My father brought a tradition to our Friday night dinners. It was an opportunity to convey his love and hopes for his children—in particular, the hope that Jewish values would be important to us. 

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